The world is now obsessed with recycling stuff but happily places people on the scrap heap all too quickly.
While they are still full to the brim of potential, energy and passion, or at least they could be if given half a chance, people repeatedly report to us at Monecosse a sense of ‘stuckness’, of being at a certain point or stage in their life where societal pressures expect them to be but they want something else and sometimes they have no idea what that something else is. This isn’t an age related thing. I see it in young people who have decided university isn’t for them and they are not yet quite sure what path they want to follow in life. There is an unspoken pressure of ‘waste’ simply because they don’t seem to be quite on track for a mortgage and 2.4 children by the time they are 30. I see it in fifty and sixty year olds who have had successful careers but, as that comes to an end for one reason or another, listlessness sets in and a mistaken belief that ‘that’s it’, or worse a panic about who and what they are. I see it in seventy and eighty year olds who, with a few physical issues, are resigned to boredom because culturally that seems to be what is expected of them. I hear forty-somethings declare that it’s too late for them to do anything else and so they settle into their current job and lifestyle and hunker down for retirement.
There are of course those who seem to shift from one thing to another throughout their life. Their path seems to be one of continuous adventure where they flit and float from one amazing story to different one on a yearly or bi-yearly basis. There are others who relish routine and love the familiarity of their lives finding flow, happiness and energy with each new day, continuing to do what they do with a spring in their step forever.
If neither the flitty-floaty adventurer nor the routine-relisher sounds like you and you feel a bit rudderless, stuck or washed-up then perhaps it’s time to have a really big think about things.
For a start people often turn quickly to qualifications to break out of their current doldrums but who ever met a world wide traveller with a hugely interesting life that had a National Certificate in world wide travelling and having an interesting life? Yes, granted if you chat to them long enough they may be taking an online course in Philosophy or you discover that they seemed to jump tracks from a dentist to a yoga teacher several years ago (or vice versa) but that qualification isn’t the full story.
The amazing teacher Dr Wayne Dyer said that we shouldn’t let our music die within us. He said that we should find a way of discovering our song and making sure we let it out into the world during the course of our lifetime. In short, our purpose and I believe it’s possible to have more than one.
There is a burning ember inside of everyone. Discovering what that is is tough enough but working out how to create a life around it is something else entirely. At Monecosse we are increasingly working with individuals to help them to achieve both. Our music, our passion is to help others to soar, run, glide, globe trot, wheel and deal, invest, research, write, paint and play no matter where they currently find themselves.
If a bag for life can do and be 100 different things then why can’t you? To help you get started you can claim for yourself (or give to someone who needs it) a free Monecosse 45 min thinking session – available to the first 3 people to message the word ‘PURPOSE’ to us any which way that works for you.